20 November 2011

I'll be your friend-Amy grant

When every moment gets too hard
End of the road can feel so far
No matter how much time were apart
i'm always near you

I'll be the shelter in your rain
Help you find your smile again
I'll make you laugh at a broken heart
Wherever you are

cause i'm never gonna walk away
if the wall comes down someday
all alone and you feel afraid
i'll be there when you call my name

You can always depend on me
i believe until forever ends
i will be your friend
i will be your friend

some many people come and go
but nothing can change the you i know
you'll never be just a face in the crowd
and time will show

through the seasons and years
i will always hold you dear
never you fear

i'm never gonna walk away
if the wall comes down someday
all alone and you feel afraid
i'll be there when you call my name

You can always depend on me
i believe until forever ends
i will be your friend

cause i'm never gonna walk away
if the wall comes down someday
all alone and you feel afraid
i'll be there when you call my name

You can always depend on me
i believe until forever ends
i will be your friend

i'll be your rock when every candle burns down low
and i want you to know

i'm never gonna walk away
if the wall comes down someday
all alone and you feel afraid
i'll be there when you call my name

You can always depend on me
i believe until forever ends
i will be your friend

cause i'm never gonna walk away
if the wall comes down someday
all alone and you feel afraid
i'll be there when you call my name

You can always depend on me
i believe until forever ends
i will be your friend

i will be your friend

20.11.2011 at 20.11


16 November 2011

The river flows in u

u're always on my mind
i see ur face
u're always on my mind
and u know

that i know,
that u love me so
here we go, again and again, and again
u know i love u so
and i would give u
the world if i could

.... i will always love u
u will always love me
i have given u the key to my heart
i will always love u
u will always love me

and i know i am not nearly good enough
i will always love u
u will always love me

i am giving u my life and everything
i will always love u
forever and ever, till the end of our time

we love eachother
the river flows in u

and i know i am not nearly good enough
the river flows in u
and i know that i am blassed to have someone like u

my live,
can't live without u
won't be able to survive without your laugh

i will always love u
u will always love me
i will always love u down deep in my heart

u will always love me
i will always love u
u're the light in my life
we'll always be together

yeaahh, the river flows in u
i hope u know
i know u know
the river flows in u

and i know
that u will always be here with me forever

the river flows in u
that u will always be here with

my love

15 November 2011

What's wrong with me?

Sigh ~
haddehh ne org baru ngetik prtama dah ngluh aje -.-
Tau ahh geLap, aneh bgt g tau knpa tapi bner2 aneh, sumpah ...
Ga tau apa mengapa dan knapa yg jelas ada yg aneh di aku, g biasa2 ny tahan d cuekin kek gini, paling mentokk 2 mggu thu dah hebat tau. Tapi skrg? Udah sbulan ehh masih tahan aje ntah smpe kapan yahh . Padahal sblum ny sm org yg bner2 ada dan bner2 care m aku cuman tahan 1 mggu-an. ckckckkck...
Tau nee knpa yahh, hmm .....
Shari itu lho bisa g ad sms sma skali, shari itu paling cuman telpon n telpon itu pun jg cuman sjam maksimal. Huyuuuhh, baru kali ini smpah bisa tahan digini-in. Smpet seh 2 kali mnTa putus, ehh malah d tuduh aneh2. CPD...
D tuduh ada laki baru kek, dah bosen kek apa lah ada aja -,- .....
Dan ujung2 ny ndak jd putus jg nohh. Ga tau knpa. Jujur g pgn putus tp jg g pgn lah d cuekin kek gini.
Emg seh lama2 bisa ngerti n malah bisa g tergantungan. Biasany dulu wktu sm yahh u know lah, tiap bubu pasti d ninabubuin -,- #manja banget dah. Abis putus sm itu nah ehh mirip bgt sm yg itu. Pasti d nyanyiin dulu kalo mau bubu. Nah yg skrg? Aku bilang gini kan, Yank aku mau tidur, ehh cuman d sautin yadah tidur sonoh -,-
A : Aku thu mau d nyanyi-in yank :3
B : Nggak bisa nyanyi, suaraku jelek
A : -,- ohh ysudah aku bubu yahh
B : ia
Astagaaaaaaa, secuek itu kah couple aku skrg -,-
Eh btw blum pernah aku critain couple ny itu spa yahh o.O
Hmm, okdee....
Aku thu kenal dia itu yahh lumayan lah bulan agustus kmren. Smpet seh dulu dia dketin tp karna aku ny udh ad couple ysudah tha. LOL
Nahh, abis tahu itu jrg dah ngobrol atopun apa gthu. Hmmm, hmpir ndak prnah malahan, ngobrol itu pun krna kbtulan ktmu d imvu n kbtulan s room gthu. Nahh, pas aku SINGLE ehh dia ny udh ada couple thu kan.. Ckkkkckckcck #emg ndak jodoh -,-
Awal bulan kmren ehh tau2 dia isenk2 thu kan chat d fb gaje gthu. lol
Ydah akhirnya dket kan sm itu, ehhh beberapa hari stelah jadian, mantan ny itu ada chat aku -,- cpd #ngpain sehh bikin g enak aj tau ckckckckcckkk #soalny kenal jg seh
Yahh dia tnya2 siapa aku.... Hello... Lo g kenal gw sapa? Kemana aj ehh sob -,- Kasian banget sehh ckckcckckckckkckckk... Ehh dia malah tnya aku ini adek ny bayu tha ? #bayu itu couple aku -,-
What? Adek? Aku sm bayu aj lho masih tua aku -.- Masa aku jd adek ny bayu sehh CPD
#emg susah sehh kalo punya face yg masi baby /lol babyface mksdny :P
Pas aku bilang kalo aku cewek ny dia cuman nyaut ohh ok makasih... Ohh ysudah kmbali kasih /lol
Sjak itu brantem mulu thu aku sm bayu gara2 cewek itu -.- /sigh /grr
G tau bikin ragu aj gthu smpe2 aku copas-in thu chat ny sm bayu... 2 kali jg lah aku kek gthu, yg prtama udh d jlasin udah g ada apa2 ehh besok ny malah thu cewek ng chat tnya kek gthu gmn g ragu coba -.-
Naah yg terakhir itu akhirnya bayu jelasin kalo CEWEK itu ngjak dia balikan -.- huyuuuhhh taroh muka dimana seh mbakk!! Ato udah g punya muka ? lol
Sejak itu dah g ada berantem2 sehh, ehhh ada -.- yahh berantem gara2 permasalahan gaje... Yang dia g ada sms sharian lah, yg dia g ada kabar sharian, yg dia prnah update aneh2 lah apalahh bnyak -.-
Dan hebatnya aku bisa than smpe skrg #standing applouse #amazing -dindaa mode on /lol

Nah sharian ini juga cuman ada telponan stgah jam doank.. -.- Ya ampun sumpahh dah g tau g pernah bisa marah sm thu bocah, GILAAAAA.....

13 November 2011

Friendship Quotes

Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say.

Saat kita ngomong atopun bicara smua orang pasti bisa mengerti apa maksud kita, mau kita etc like that, tapi ga smua hal kan bisa kita omongin ato kita share k publik. Nah, seorang sahabat bisa tahu apa yang kita rasakan walaupun tidak kita omongin ke dia. Dia bisa ngerasain apa yang kita rasain. 

Colorist - Shigenobu Kobayashi

Ini merupakan color chart pada teory yg d temukan oleh Shigenobu Kobayashi

12 November 2011

Tutorial Bikin Chibi

btw sblum ny prlu tau smua ny dah padaa kalo ini first tutorial yg aku tulis -_- jd maap kalo agak ancur dah >.<

Ehmm, sblum ny mgkin ada kali yak yg menanyakan apa seh chibi itu -_-
mgkin sdkit susah yahh buat ngjelasin ny, tp bakal saya jelasin kok ^_^ akwkkakak #sok tau mode on

hmm, pokok ny intinya itu chibi itu karakter yg lucu, imut, mungil, n yg paling pnting itu kbnyakan chibi itu punya mata dan kpala gedeee n badan ny lbih kecil dari pada kepala ny /lol

humm lgsung aj dahh >.<
step 1, mulai aj gmbar bntuk wajah serta kepala ny #chibi itu seperti anak2 otomatis wajah ny harus BULAAAT dan harus mewakili plg tdk 1/3 bagian dari tubuh .....
step 2, buat mata, mata chibi harus d buat gedee dan mata mrupkan hal trpenting dalam pmbuatan sbuah karakter, karakter bisa d bntuk melalui pupil, iris serta alis yg scara otomotis akan mmbntuk ekspresi mereka
step 3, chibi itu g punya hidung, pabila kita menginginkan adnya sbuah hidung kita bisa mnmbahkan titik atopun garis saja d atas mulut
step 4, tmbahkan mulut yg d buat sngat sederhana, misalkan dgn bntuk menyerupai segitiga, lingkaran melonjong etc like that
step 5, baru kita fokus k rmbut, mau d bikin kaya apa rmbut ny
step 6, bikin body ny mau d bikin kurus gemuk ato apa itu suka2 kita sbagai pmbuat ny
#step 6 ini prlu d inget bhwa body ny chibi itu kecil, dan lbih kecil dari kepalany
step 7, kasih bayangan serta garis akhir

utk contoh2 chibi yg prnah saya bikin #hmm bukan atas pmikiran sndiri sehh tp -_-

import from http://www.howtodrawguide.com

Ndak tau ap ~

cuman mau share gmbar ini :D, dari beberapa hari yg lalu mnta d buatin ehh aku buatin ini aj dah 
maaf elekk -_- 

Happy 1st month anniversary ^^

you're my angel
my lullaby
forever yours
until i die

you're my angel
my sweetest tought
eternally yours
my dear angel the only one I've got

Loving u....
could take my life
but when I look
into your eyes,
I know worth
that sacrafice!

My love is sweet as the rose

If the only possible way we can be together is in my dreams, then I'll sleep forever

11 November 2011

Tnggal 11 Bulan 11 tahun 11 Jam 11 lbih 11 mnit PM

just say yayy!!

bner2 g da yg spesial kan hari ini -.-


Love me

Sweet dream my darling
I thank you for the beatiful love
Let us go on along this life
From now on, together
I once walked alone
On a path towards the future
Where there was only me
Only me
But then u came along
and u showed me how it is to feel

Follow me - be with me
And love me - forever
Ohh I'll fill yours world with love
Show u how great it is to live and laugh
Its those words that led my heart right to u

Ohhh love me - only me
Stay with me - forever
Let me live in this promise with u
I want to walk and rest with u

My love,
It's ur sweet words that I - still remember
I'll surely see u again in my dreams
And even to the world beyond this life dear
I'll love u
Right now I'm with u
I'm not afraid of what's out there
because I know u'll be there
Only u ..
To know that I am yours
Everything just simply falls in place


when raindrops fall on me, maybe
They'll wash away the memory of u and me
When raindrops fall on me, maybe
They'll wash away the memory of u and me

When sunlight shines on me, maybe
They'll dry the tears I cry
And u can't save me
Because it's been too long
And I can't hold on
to on thread
in a midst

where i don't be long
I wonder if u cry
When the radio play our song
How can I forget the time
When u whispered forever
it was so, so sweet
it would've been sweeter
if u meant it

u help my hand and u told me
maybe you'd like to dance with me
but there's a storm cloud coming in
then would u dance in the rain with me
dance in the rain with me?
dance in the rain with me?
dance in the rain with me?
dance in the rain with me?

until the rainbow comes, we'll be dancing
if it won't, thats okay because
I'd gladly dance
forever with u
even the rain
can't pour on us
but forever ain't so long
as it used to be
growing old
next to me
forever's just a word
that lied 
so when the raindrops fall maybe
u'll die with the memory
of the man that I thought you'd be
If it will, let it rain on me
If it will, let it rain on me
If it will, let it rain on me
If it will, let it rain on me

when the raindrops will fall

Tangga - Utuh

semakin ku ingkari, semakin ku mengerti

hidup ini tak lengkap tanpamu

aku mengaku bisa tapi hati tak bisa

sesungguhnya ku berpura-pura

relakan kau pilih cinta yang kau mau

sesungguhnya ku tak pernah rela

karena ku yang bisa membuat hatimu utuh

sakit yang ku rasa bukan karena dia

tapi karena kau pilih cinta yang salah

aku mengaku bisa tapi hati tak bisa

ku akui sesungguhnya aku berpura-pura

relakan kau pilih cinta yang kau mau

dan aku tak bisa

tak bisa ku biarkan kau tersiksa

disia-siakan cinta buta yang salah

pulanglah kepadaku tempatmu di hatiku

cintaku membuatmu utuh

sesungguhnya ku tak pernah rela

karena ku yang bisa, karena hanya aku yang bisa

membuat hatimu utuh

Source: http://liriklaguindonesia.net/tangga-utuh.htm#ixzz1dPJ8O8UE

egeeen 11 11 11

nothing special for today -.-

bodoh amat pnting posting :3
ohh ia btw td thu pas siang hari aku makan bareng dea sm edwin #gaje kan LOL
makan ayam :P

11 11 11

Sebelas sebelas sebelas

-g ad mo post apapun yg pnting hari ini gw mo posting sebnyak2 ny

bodohh peduLi amat
blog blog gw
mau protes ? silahkan !!

10 November 2011


Hari kamis ~ hari yg bgitu sngat membosankan, meletihkan n melelahkan -.-
Ehh, bTw ini hari pahlawan uyy, n d kmpus gw td pagi ada upacara gthu LOL
naah, hari ini gw brhasil g bolos YAYYYY #standing applouse plss /har
Mulai jam 8 kurang 1/4 thu nah sudah berdiam diri d bangku kelas nungguin dosen, duduk bareng diinda sm vero thu nah
huyuuuhh, malah s bapak dosen ny sedang tugas d jakarta -.- #tau gini g dtg pagi2 >.<
absen doank nah itu td -.-

Oiiit, akhirny td thu makan soto /yay #smbil guling2 kgirangan /lol
sudah sjak kpan thu nah gw kan ngidam soto gthu :P baru kturutan dah td -.- #lamaaany yahh
gpp dah pnting kturutan sudah :3
abis mam soto itu td ehh si diinda malah ngajakin beli tahu bulet LOL
#aneh2 yahh manusia itu yg tahu awalny kotak d bikin bulet nah yg bakso awalny bulet skrg d bikin kotak


Sblum nyari thu tahu bulet kita nongkrong d lantai 7 thu lama beuudd -.- #gusur tmpat ny PU gthu lol smpe g dpt tmpat duduk thu ehh PU ny

yahh jam stgh 10-an thu dah kek ny kita capcuuuus dah thu nyari si tahu bulet #kalo sore seh d dkt ny perbanas itu ad kalo jam sgini ehmmm ntah lah -.-

#cabuuut dah thu nah kiTa -.-

ehh, ternyata hasilny NIHIL


baLik da  thu kita nah k kmpuss tercnta n trsayong #lol

akwkakkakaakkaka #makan jagung dah akhirny itu nah kita -.-

masih jam stgh 11 -.- masih 3 jam-an lagi vero sn dinda masuk kelas, aku ? huh
masi nunggu smpe jam 5 -.-

eittt -.- next ahh lgsung abis kuliah ekspresi thu brsama Tuhan gaje #smua dosen DKV adalah Tuhan -.-

makaan geratis :3
#mmpung dmpet bner2 bolong seh -.-
makasihh buLaaand sayooong :P dah traktir kita ber4 >.< sering2 dah :3

#puLang ~

karena sharian sjak pagi smpe malam d kmpus n d luar g ad istirahat bekas luka kmren thu mulai nyeri lagi :(


udahh ahhhh

9 November 2011

Heart Break Quotes for today 9.11.11~

You never know what you have until you lose it, and once you lose it, you can never get it back.

Saat kita memiliki sesuatu baik itu barang, keluarga, saudara, teman, sahabat, maupun pacar kita tak pernah tahu apa seh untung nya kita punya itu semua. Tapi disaat yang kita miliki itu hilang kita baru akan sadar betapa berharganya mereka. Dan disaat kita sadar itu smua nya sudah hilang dan tak mgkin akan bisa kmbali dan tak mgkin bisa kita miliki lagi.

#Jaga baik-baik smua yang sudah kita miliki. Kita g akan miliki apa yang sudah hilang untuk kedua kaliny :(

8 November 2011

deLapan novembeR sebelass

Dear 121011,
I just want you to care with me, not more than that....
I want you to know that I'm sincere, I love and I care ...

Only in monday #tujuSblasSblas

ntah knpa malam ini bner2 ngerasa fRee .....
#emg seh tugas g ad tp sbner ny ada yg ngeganjel d hati tp ap itu g tau -.-
yaappp, hari ini ...
D awali dgn kmbali ny penyakit buruk yg dah d usir g mau pergi2 #bolos
Jadi sharian ini g ad kluar rumah sm skali #dan ini pertama kali ny *hmm kek ny bgitu 
Pertama cuman berniat #bolos jam pertama doank ehh g tau knpa tiba2 jdi g mood mau prgi k kmpus -.- And finally, kmbali dah meluk guling gw yg anget beud #awkkakakaak allay dikit g ad yg larang :P
merem merem n merem _ _'' sesekali bangun cuman buat bales sms doank abis thu merem lagi bangun lagi bales sms merem lagi dan berulang smpe kira2 jam 14.00 waktu Indonesia bagian surabaya timur :3 yang d akhiri dg lelap ny tidur ku -.- #tewas mode on :P 

Baru skitar jam 16.00 waktu Indonesia bagian surabaya timur aku bner2 bangun. Itu pun karena pintu kamar aku d gedor2 mulu sm kk -.- dan aku pun akhirnya terbangun.....
Diem diem n diem sndirian d kamar tak ada ngomong paling cuman nyanyi doank -.-
Cuman buka lepi dengerin lagu #lagu ny yg d playlist just 1 <kiss the rain>
Dalam hati cuman bilang #huyuhhhh lapaaaaaarnyaaaaaa!! :(
Smpe akhirnya jam stgh 8-an kk aku masuk kamar bawain nasi goreng. langsung dah aku abisin sktika itu -.- #lberubah jd monster mode on :P

Abis makan ehh isenk browsing gambar chibby dan tertarik buat bikin #walo bukan made by me lho yahh
cuman nyontoh doank tp apa salah ny :D kan hidup itu emg d awali dari belajar yak XD
n finally ..... malam ini bisa bikin ini 

nah kaRena thu gmbar aku uploud d fesbuk, ada temen aku yg pgin d buatin jg -.-
ydah akhirnya aku buatin yg kek gini 

bsok aku mau buat lagi :3

7 November 2011


A simple word isn't it?
It's uttered everyday to almost every person imaginable.

Who are your friends?

I used to think that friends were the people that you could laugh and talk to.
Now I know that friends aren't that, they're the people that touch your hearts.
You could spend hours with them doing nothing at all and it can be the best time of your life, just because it was with them.
They're the people you can share your secrets with, cry with, laugh with, and just have fun with.
They don't judge you or make you change.
They accept you exactly as you are.
They look at you and they see a great person, one they love spending time with.
You all share something in common and are tied together by memories, tears, laughs, and smiles.
You're tied together by love for the other.
Friendship is the strangest but greatest thin in the world.
I find my time with my friends, the best times of my life.
My friends are my heart, my soul, my fun, my laughter, tears, love and my life.

2 November 2011

Demi Lovato - Don't Forget

Did you forget I was even alive?
Did you forget everything ever had?
Did you forget, did you forget about me?

Did you regret ever standing by my side?
Did you forget we were feeling inside?
Now I'm left to forget about us

But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song, you can't forget it

So now I guess this is where we have to stand
Did you regret ever holding my hand?
Never again, please don't forget, don't forget

We had it all, we were just about to fall
Even more in love, than we were before
I won't forget, I won't forget about us

But somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song, you can't forget it

Somewhere we went wrong
We were once so strong
Our love is like a song you can't forget it

And at last all the pictures have been burned
And all the past is just a lesson that we've learned
I won't forget, please don't forget us

Somewhere we went wrong
Our love is like a song you won't sing along
You've forgotten about us
Don't forget